There are plenty of differences between the cash segment of
the capital market and the futures segment. Here are few of the easy to
understand differences.

1) Ownership
When you buy shares in the cash market and take delivery,
you are the owner of these shares or you are a shareholder, until you sell the
shares. You can never be a shareholder when you trade in the derivatives
segment of the capital market.
2) Holding period
When you buy shares in the cash segment, you can hold the
shares for life. This is not true in the case of the futures market, where you
have to settle the contract within three months at the very maximum.
3) Dividends
When you buy shares in the cash segment, you normally take
delivery and are a owner. Hence, you are entitled to dividends that companies
pay. No such luck when you buy any derivatives contract.
Both, cash and futures markets pose risk, but the risk in
the case of futures can be higher, because you have to settle the contract
within a specified period and book losses. In the case of shares bought in the
cash market, you can hold onto them for an indefinite period and can hence sell
when prices are higher.
5) Investment objective differs
You buy a contract in the derivatives market to hedge risk
or to speculate. Individuals buying shares in the cash market are investors.
6) Lots vs shares
In the derivatives segment you buy a lot, while in the cash
segment you buy shares.
About DreamGains
Dreamgains Financials India Private Limited formed in 2004 as an
independent and privately owned company is build upon the principles of
teamwork and partnership.It is a trusted name in the financial service
arena and provides you with an entire gamut of services under one roof.
It today has emerged as a premium Indian stock consultancy, with an
absolute focus on business and a commitment to provide “Real value for
money” to all its clients.
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